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_Why we can stop making decisions we regret_

Think back to a decision you made that you now regret. We’ve all done things that weigh us down and make us wonder, “Why do I seem to do what I know is wrong?”

The apostle Paul knew what this felt like…

_*“I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.”
Romans 7:19*_

The apostle Paul described this as a struggle between our old and our new natures.

Our old nature is marked by a desire to do whatever seems pleasing to us in the moment, regardless of the consequences.

And while this might feel freeing at times, it ultimately leads to conflict, chaos, and destruction. 

Before Jesus’ resurrection, the Hebrew people kept this old nature in check by closely following the laws God gave to Moses. These laws were meant to help people draw near to God. But they didn’t fix human nature—they revealed humanity’s brokenness.

The law separated from God by revealing how far people naturally were from God. But all of this changed when Jesus arrived.

His life, death, and resurrection fulfilled the requirements God laid out in His law.
His sacrifice gave us access to a new nature created after God’s character, not based on our brokenness.

This nature is available to us through Jesus, because of Jesus. And when we receive this new nature, this is what happens…

- When God sees us, He sees Jesus in us. This allows us to pursue God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength without fear of losing His favor or love. 

- Jesus gives us the strength to wrestle with our old natures and win. We can now overcome our tendency to make choices we regret by asking the Holy Spirit to help us make decisions that honor and reflect Jesus.

- Because of Jesus, we are no longer condemned. Even though we will still struggle between what’s right and wrong, we are no longer enslaved to sin, or sentenced to an eternity separated from God.

Today, as family, * because of our blood linage let's allow Jesus to show us what He has saved for us, and then take a few minutes to thank Him for all that He has done for us...

I pray God Almighty to show us the way and perfect things in our lives with open doors in Jesus might name AMEN.

@Peter Peter


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