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Fight For Your Marriage - even if everyone tell you not to!

Fight for your marriage — even if everyone tells you not to Do you want your marriage to work, but you don’t know how? You know staying together is the right thing to do, but everything about our society makes it easier to give up and move on. Even the way people talk about marriage makes you question whether staying together is worth it: “It’s just a signed piece of paper.” “If you don’t like being married, just get a divorce. It’s that simple.” It is easy for someone else to tell you to quit when the going gets tough, but only you are responsible for your decisions. And if you’ll choose to fight for your marriage, God will fight with you. Throughout the Bible, God is described as our help, our shield, our fortress, and our strength. And in Psalm 33 , the Bible promises that “the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love...” Why God Wants You to Fight for Your Marriage We know God wants us to fight for our marriages because marriage was H

Some Women Character

Some women eh...Tufiakwa!  Pay light bill.... My husband is not at home. Pay water bill.... My husband is not at home. Bring money to repair Sumor.... "My husband is not at home". Pay for vigilante.... "My husband is not at home". Pay for waste management.... "My husband is not at home". Even to fill her cooking gas she is waiting for husband Change your de@d security bulb.... "My husband travelled". Security bulb, I mean security bulb o.... bulb, bulbuuu. How much is bulb bikonu? Your own safety kwa? Hiaaaa! We should wait for the man that travelled to Kafanchan abi Panya to come and buy bulb for you? Which kind thing be that? If you are like this woman and you are here, biko change! What did I say? CHANGE Abi your husband is not around to change u  Mbok avoid me.nsuto mkpo

Vision is seeing beyond today

This is Transcorp Hilton Hotels at Maitama Abuja. The pictures you see below are of Transcorp Hilton Hotel at Maitama during the 1980s and in recent times. You can see that it was located in a ‘bush’ in the 1980s, but today, it is in the city centre. The BUSH of yesteryears is the city centre of today. I am sure that if you are given a plot in that location in 1980, you will most likely reject it but today, everyone would love to live in that location which is now a highbrow area of Abuja. Vision is seeing beyond today and taking calculated risks to invest in your vision. Nigeria is a great country! The Chronicle  

N620 per litre: This isn’t what we voted for- President Tinubu’s supporter laments

N620 per litre: This isn’t what we voted for- President Tinubu’s supporter laments A resident of Kano state, Adamu Salihu, has said that the current hardship Nigerians are facing as a result of the increase in the pump price of petrol is not what he and his family members went out of their way to vote for the Tinubu-led government for. Fuel which moved from N195 per litre to N530 after President Tinubu announced the end of subsidy in his inauguration speech on May 29, hit N617 in Abuja and N620 in Kano in the early hours of Tuesday, July 18. Reacting to the recent development,  Salihu, who said he hails from Bichi LGA in the State, said he might be forced to take to crime. Speaking to DailyTrust, he said “Honestly this new price has hit us very hard. This is not what we voted for. My children and I voted the current government in power. What we are being served is contrary to what we asked for. I am a Nigerian, I deserve to be treated right. I am no longer a youth, I have Children and

The Chronicle of Zion!

"The beauty of our lives is not determined by the materials we possessed or our past. We cannot calculate the progression of our future by our education and senses. Our outward appearances may not represent our hearts peace and rest. Only God gives the grace to live in contentment." The Media @Peter Peter


A father saw that his 11-year-old son was crying silently. He asked him. "What's the matter, son?" The young boy replied. "My rich classmates mocked, called me son of a gardener. They said that my father lives only on the money he earns from watering and feeding plants for people" The father paused for a moment, then said. "Come with me son, let's plant some flowers. It might cheer you up" He held his hand and walked him to the garden, then he took out some flower seeds, and said. "Let's carry out an experiment. We will plant two flowers seperately. I will care for one, and you will care for the other. I will water mine with clean water from the lake but you will water yours with dirty water from the pond. We shall see the outcome in the weeks to come" The son was delighted as he joined his father in planting the flowers. It took them some days to finally germinate the flower seeds. They cared for them respectively and watched them gr


A father represents more than a donor of a part of him for the procreation of his kind. A father is an epitome of kindness, care, concern, love and empathy. A father is a significant order in the lives of not only his biological offspring and members but extends his coverage to those who need same. This is why I celebrate you today, very specially on this Father's Day. Not just because it's Father's Day but you deserve every bit of the celebration. Happy Father's Day. The Chronicle Info  


B R E A K I N G.. TINUBU FIRES EFCC CHAIRMAN The EFCC Chairman, AbdulRasheed Bawa, CON, has been suspended indefinitely by President Tinubu.  This is according to presidential sources to allow for proper investigation into his conduct while in office following weighty allegations of abuse of office levelled against him. He has been directed to immediately hand over the affairs of his office to the Director, Operations in the Commission, who will oversee the affairs of the Office of the Chairman of the Commission pending the conclusion of the investigation. Source :


THINGS I WISH I KNEW EARLIER IN LIFE  1-There are battles you have to conquer on your own. Roads you have to take alone. You can't always rely on your family, friends or even partner to save you from yourself. 2-There isn't just one specific person meant for you to be with romantically. You can fall in love more than once. You don't need to hold onto who leaves you, usually there's a blessing behind it. 3-Choosing to not give your side of the story can sometimes be the most peaceful way to win a battle. Time always reveals the truth. Don't worry. 4- Self care is everything. Invest in yourself. Mental and physical health should always be your priority in life. 5-Dignity is important. Do not ever make any compromises on that count. Don’t allow anyone to take you for granted or disrespect you. Know your worth.  6-Once a mistake, twice a choice and more than that is a pattern. Break the cycle. 7-Never put yourself last. Don’t sacrifice your entire life for people. Sound


THE WORD FOR TODAY BY PASTOR BARR. D. C. ARUKWE JP. ARE YOU FLOURISHING? (2) THURSDAY 8TH JUNE 2023 'They will flourish in the courts of our God.' #Psalm 92:13 NIV. Inside you there's a battle between your flourishing self - the person you were created to be - and your languishing self. Your languishing self feels uneasy and discontent. You may be drawn to bad habits or things designed to temporarily anaesthetise pain. Your thoughts automatically drift to fear and anger. Learning doesn't feel worthwhile. You think about yourself most of the time. Whereas flourishing [thriving, blossoming and prospering] takes place: (1) In your spirit. You sense you're beginning to receive ideas and energy from an outside source. And you are. You're being empowered by God's Spirit. We talk about being inspired, which literally means 'God breathed'. God breathes into you; you come alive and feel like you've a purpose for living. (2) In your mind. Your t