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My fellow Nigerians,

I stand before you today with a heavy heart, but also with hope and determination. Our beloved nation faces unprecedented economic challenges that demand bold and decisive action. As your President, I am committed to leading by example and making the difficult decisions necessary to put Nigeria back on the path to prosperity.

Effective immediately, I am announcing a 50% reduction in my salary and all other emoluments. I call upon the Vice President, Senate President, and all other top government officials to follow suit. We who have been entrusted with leadership must be the first to make sacrifices for the good of our nation.

In the spirit of fiscal responsibility, I am also announcing the following measures:

1. The Office of the First Lady will be scrapped to reduce unnecessary expenditures.

2. We will sell off several presidential aircraft that are currently idle, retaining only those essential for official duties.

3. Government ministries will be consolidated, with a maximum of 36 ministers to streamline operations and reduce costs.

4. Fuel and electricity subsidies will be restored to provide immediate relief to our citizens, while we work on long-term solutions to our energy challenges.

5. All government officials will be mandated to use locally manufactured products, including automobiles, to support our domestic industries and reduce foreign exchange outflows.

These are just the first steps in our comprehensive plan to cut the cost of governance and redirect resources to critical areas of need. We are also implementing the following additional measures:

6. A significant reduction in the number of political appointees and aides across all levels of government.

7. The implementation of a comprehensive e-governance system to reduce bureaucracy and improve efficiency.

8. A review and renegotiation of all government contracts to ensure value for money.

9. The introduction of a performance-based budgeting system to ensure that every naira spent delivers tangible results for our people.

10. A freeze on non-essential foreign trips by government officials, with a shift towards virtual meetings and conferences.

11. Effective immediately, there will be no more foreign trips for medical treatment for myself, my cabinet, and all government officials. We will use Nigerian hospitals and medical facilities. This measure will not only save foreign exchange but also demonstrate our commitment to improving our healthcare system. We must have faith in our own doctors and nurses, and work together to enhance the quality of healthcare available to all Nigerians.

I want to assure all Nigerians that these measures are just the beginning. We are committed to a complete overhaul of our governance structures to make them leaner, more efficient, and more responsive to the needs of our people.

To our youth who have planned protests under the #endbadgovernment banner, I hear your frustrations. I understand your anger. But I implore you to give us a chance to implement these reforms. Let us channel our collective energy into rebuilding our nation rather than further dividing it.

The road ahead will not be easy. It will require sacrifice and patience from all of us. But I have faith in the resilience and ingenuity of the Nigerian people. Together, we can overcome these challenges and build a stronger, more prosperous Nigeria.

May God bless you all, and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Thank you.



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