One mistake you should never make as a man is raising kids with all your life savings to eventually get so much exposure that they won't want to stoop low to living around you. Upgrade yourself as u upgrade your kids ❗ Plan your future so you won't have your kids too far from you.. Having all your kids abroad looks like an achievement until you are old age sets in ✅That's when you will know that sending you money is not as important as having them around you.. ✅That's when you will know that life's fulfilment is beyond money but quality of time spent with your grown up children and grand children.. I've had an Uncle who raised all his families abroad , died at 78 and none of his kids came home to burry him and give him the last respect/honour ❗ This is not a matter of marrying many wives .. It's about being intentional with your old age plan.. And if marrying many is your strategic plan, ensure you execute it with wisdom. Men seems to cater so much for famil...