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Showing posts from September, 2023


Marriage is a partnership deal where both parties must dedicate themselves to divinity. God instituted marriage and gave man DOMINION Genesis 1:28 Lucifer invaded it and gave the woman INFLUENCE Genesis 3:6 The reason for most divorce is, each one tries to impose their position on the other. Non is greater than the other, they both have different powers and if well harnessed they will put Satan to flat. No one wants to be intimidated rather we all want respect one way or the other. Couples must learn to respect one another in their respective abilities and boundaries. Wife respect your husband decision it's good to communicate with your husband before deciding to do anything on your own. In marriage, we are much happier when we impress and express ourselves and not the other way round. If you must avoid a breakdown in marriage RESPECT ONE ANOTHER. The Chronicle  


HELP, MY EMOTIONS ARE FALLING Most of the time in our life when making lifetime decisions especially in MARRIAGE , we must be able to differentiate between our emotions and the will of God for our life. Marriage is the biggest turning point of our lives, we either go upward or downward depending on the choice we make. We are often beclouded with these religious beliefs that whomever we choose as spouses, so long as they are of our christian faith or denomination they will fit into our life by understanding, that is a big fat lie. Jesus while addressing this in Matthew 7:6-7. Give not that which is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, 7. Ask, and it shall be given; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be unto you. IN MARRIAGE you must first, Ask for the will of God, secondly, seek thoroughly for every detail about the person until you found the truth, thirdly, knock, for God's favor and the wisdom to have a good h


YOUR SEASON OF LAUGHTER HAS COME Your season of laughter has come; it’s a turnaround season. It does not matter what you’re presently going through or had been through.” Your weeping season is expired and mourning season ceased. You’re ready to laugh and dance. God has kept us laughing. He has given us amazing life, supporting family, great ministry and unflinching helpers. The song writer wrote, ‘I can see everything is turning around, everything is turning around,in my favor.’ “Also Master Jesus, you’re the Pillar that holds my life.” God has turned my labor into favor and my mistakes into miracles. This incredible God deserves an incredible praise and worship. Brethren join us at the Apostolic church Nigeria Zion Assembly for a four days power pack programme with Friday night with the Them: A NIGHT WITH THE KING "shout seven thunderous hallelujah to the Lord". Say to Satan shame to you; you’re a lair. Sometimes it may not look like you’re blessed. Just pause a minute a